Fabrizio Canetto
CEO and cofounder
He specialized in Architectural and Urban planning and Design. He has worked with important figures and Public Bodies in Urban planning, restoration of the city centers and Tourism and Hospitality planning. After an important academic parenthesis, where he taught at INT (Institute for the New Technologies), at IED (European Institute of Design), at the University of Cagliari and at the Construction school of the Province of Cagliari, he focused on the Infrastructure and Public works, both as a freelancer and as a Public Administrator.
Many are his partnerships with the Sardinia Region, the Province of Cagliari, the University of Cagliari and some local authorities, directing, as a logical consequence, his work and his specialization towards Community Planning, Public-private partnership and Project Financing, refining his studies at the European Commission in Bruxelles, with Ancite and the Belgian/Italian Chamber of Commerce. He has organized and to taken part, as speaker, to many Seminars and thematic Conferences.

Gualtiero Medda
Business manager and cofounder
He specialized in administrative and managerial proceedings of Expropriation and Public works for Municipalities and State Administration, consolidating his experience and technical education regarding planning and realization of Public works, gained first as an employee in the technical areas for some local authorities, and then as a freelancer for some important planning firms, both Regional and National, and companies.
He refined his juridical/administrative studies with his law degree, becoming an expert of the administrative proceeding aimed to the implementation of Public works, working as a support to the technical managers of several Local and Regional authorities and Public corporations, such as Anas Spa and Sogaer Spa. He optimized his specialization in other subjects, such as procurement, urban planning and municipal asset management, as a partner of a Law firm. He has also taught to technical professionals and municipal officers for AGELLPP and UNITEL, in many italian cities.

Pino Cossu
Quality and Logistic Consultant
He specialized throughout the years in the study, research and enhancement of the sardinian excellences, by organizing and managing the National and International export processes.
Many are his partnerships with Companies and Public and Private Bodies for the organization of promotional and B2B events both in Italy and abroad, handling the selection, quality and logistics.
In 2001 he founded a company named Bontà Sarde, focusing on promoting, presenting and transferring to the best national and international companies the great Regional and National excellences. He then delved into the knowledge and quality of the products thanks to the partnership with Research (UNISS Sassari) and Protection (Presidio Slow Food) Institutes and he perfected his skills by specializing in administrative processes, which are necessary for the obtainment of the European and Internazional export license.
He is TAG18 Master Scheduler for the B2B events and the I.C.E. Reports.

Marco Pillitu
Financial Consultant
Chartered accountant expert in business economic planning with drafting and verification of Economic and Financial Plans dedicated to tenders and Project Financing investments. Responsible for training in tax and commercial law for business consultancy companies.
He has developed specific experience in public administration proceedings and budgets as a budget assessor. In the Tag18 team he plays the role of Financial Consultant.

Paolo Putzulu
Project Analist
Specialized structural engineer and university assistant at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Cagliari. Safety expert in the planning and execution of public works. He fulfills the functions of Technical Consultant of the Court at the Court both in terms of civil law and estimation.
In the Tag18 team, he performs the function of Project Analyst with the task of coordinating the technical-procedural functions of the European calls and PNRR in close collaboration with public administration officials.

Simona Mereu
Project Developer
Decades of experience in the field of civil design as an engineer specialized in verifying the technical compatibility of urban planning. In recent years she has specialized in the complex field of real estate valuations with International Standards (I.V.S.) both in support of expert activities at the Court and in support of the expert activities identified by Presidential Decree 327/01 for the construction of public works.
In the Tag18 team he plays the role of Project Developer to support and support the operational timelines required by the application of the European Programming and PNRR to which the company is required to guarantee in terms of effectiveness.